dimarts, 5 de maig del 2015

The Tiger:
The tiger is a very big "cat" and live in China
There are a lot of tipes of tigers but is a animal in danger 
Name: Tiger
Number: 3.200
Species: Feline
Colour: Black, Orange, and 
Weight: 292 Kg
Size: 2,28-2,85

dilluns, 4 de maig del 2015

This is a video very beautiful. In them we see the animals and the plants moving:

The arctic isn't a animal of danger, is a continent in dager.
The pollution is thaw it and a lot of animals live in the arctic.

 Name: Polar bear
 Colour: Whith
 Size: 1,8-2,4
 Weight: 350-700
 Poblation-. 25.000
The polar bear is the animal in most danger of extincion in the world because the pollution threat her habitat, the Antartida